Friday, April 15, 2016

illustration: home life

everyday beauty.

Twin Eaters : Illustration

Love these little munchers.

Precious Treasure

"We're His heart treasure. God's treasure. I mean, we never think that, do we? We don't imagine that we might be the most precious thing He has. Not the mountains, not the Grand Canyon; it's us. You're the precious treasure." 
-Sally Lloyd-Jones


[You keep track of all of my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8 NLT]

Did you know you are known and cared for to this extent? When this life can overwhelm, each tear is seen...caught. He loves us so.

Easter Love

The day Love built a bridge between rebels and goodness.

We think we can strive our way into being just barely good enough, but we don't have a chance of jumping the vast chasm on our own. Grandest Canyon...small jump.

But Love delighted in building a bridge. Rebels cross freely into fellowship with the only Holy Beautiful One.

This is why today is Good. Have you leaned fully onto the only one who can span the gap? He longs to carry you to life.

February 14th.

Everyone's story is different, but I know today is hard for a lot of people. Those waiting, those wounded, those stuck, grieving or longing, I am thinking of you. You are seen by the perfect lover, a Father who never tires of your open heart.

"In all seasons--times of searing grief, times of great redemption, times of the mundane--every single moment is pregnant with His whisper: Come, let us run together. Come find Me. Here."

Quote from Sara Hagerty, Every Bitter Thing is Sweet

An illustrated proposal for Luke

I had the joy of being in on the plans for this romantic surprise as he whisked her away to Paris to propose, as I was tasked with capturing this forever special moment. What an honor! Way to go pulling it off, Luke, in your Darcy coat and everything. Just thrilled for you two! 


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