Mrs. Schaeffer sounds like my kind of gal.
'Edith Schaeffer helps us climb out of the doldrums. She encourages wives, mothers, and single women to express themselves creatively, by making the place in which we live “a center of meaningful living and personal enrichment.” There is an art to creating a pleasant home atmosphere. In the rush and clamor of today’s fast-paced society, it is easy to forget the immense importance of The Hidden Art of Homemaking. Mrs. Schaeffer reminds us that we are made in the image of God the Creator. The marks of the Christian personality are love, moral sensitivity, and an increased sense of beauty and creativity. Even little things such as setting the mealtime table in an attractive way and arranging fresh flowers can have a positive effect on those we live with. To enhance our daily lives, she shows us how to explore more deeply (yet inexpensively) music, interior decorating, gardening, food, painting, drama, and writing (prose and poetry), to make wherever God has us a lovely place.'
I love that. I desire to create because I am made in the image of a Creator.
He splatter-painted these caladiums
and makes mighty oaks from tiny seeds.
Whether I'm doing silly things like making my house cute or splatter-painting, my hope is that my life is evidence of my creator. He uniquely stamped me with his image and I hope I'm inking it out.