Sunday, July 25, 2010


A little while back I started a project that involved a 10-foot ladder in the bathtub and deep teal paint.

Our master bath's walls are Warm Chinchilla (yes!) light gray and Nimbus Cloud deep gray and our ceiling is 10'-6", inspired by vinyl wall decals on Etsy and under the creative influence of my visiting Mama to "go for it," I...went for it. IMG_2455
I freehanded these trees on with a brush and, a few coats and branch revisions later, we are enjoying our towering tub view through the trees.

Why not?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Acrylic for great friends J&J~ Dedicated to their cute old red bed :)



Monday, July 19, 2010

This song makes my heart so Full

In December of 2009 my wife and I celebrated fifteen years of marriage. A few days later, we got in a silly argument and I wrote this song after she went to bed. Marriage, see, was God’s idea. It’s one of the most potent metaphors in all of Scripture for the way God loves us and the way we’re to let ourselves be loved by him. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. To the contrary, it’s fraught with peril. Any good marriage involves a thousand deaths to self—the good news is, in Christ that marriage involves at least as many resurrections. We lay our lives down and enter this perilous dance with another human being who has done the same. Why should we expect to emerge unscathed?

visit for more Andy P

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thoughtful Slop

I had the pleasure of sharing my paints with my sweet neighbor-friends, and sneakily so--to surprise her daddy with a personalized surprise for father's day. What fun to watch them squeeze, squish, and slop onto a very happy canvas full of tiny memories captured for dad.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why create?

Mrs. Schaeffer sounds like my kind of gal.

'Edith Schaeffer helps us climb out of the doldrums. She encourages wives, mothers, and single women to express themselves creatively, by making the place in which we live “a center of meaningful living and personal enrichment.” There is an art to creating a pleasant home atmosphere. In the rush and clamor of today’s fast-paced society, it is easy to forget the immense importance of The Hidden Art of Homemaking. Mrs. Schaeffer reminds us that we are made in the image of God the Creator. The marks of the Christian personality are love, moral sensitivity, and an increased sense of beauty and creativity. Even little things such as setting the mealtime table in an attractive way and arranging fresh flowers can have a positive effect on those we live with. To enhance our daily lives, she shows us how to explore more deeply (yet inexpensively) music, interior decorating, gardening, food, painting, drama, and writing (prose and poetry), to make wherever God has us a lovely place.'

I love that. I desire to create because I am made in the image of a Creator.

He splatter-painted these caladiumsIMG_2178 and makes mighty oaks from tiny seeds.

Whether I'm doing silly things like making my house cute or splatter-painting, my hope is that my life is evidence of my creator. He uniquely stamped me with his image and I hope I'm inking it out.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chairs Fit for Dining

We found these 1940s chairs at an antique mall in Houston, but we just weren't feelin' this old, tired fabric. It has seen better days...and reminded me more of 98 year old great aunt June serving fruit cakes than of a young, fun dinner party we might host.

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We jazzed them up with some batting and new fabric, some Ikea fabric leftover from my Roman shade experiment and some just a larger scale of the Ikea fabric, each one oriented a little different from the next. All 6 are unique.
Because I like things just a little off-kilter.



What do you think?


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