Before: carpet and vinyl

(here we are in November '09)
{Well, we finished laying the kitchen tile, moving all of our furniture into our front 3 rooms and garage, then ripping up all 1200 sf of carpet and the blasted tack strips that went with it--so the next step on the agenda was to install our own laminate.
After a really rough time fighting with some iffy-quality laminate, we returned all 55 boxes and launched plan B. Through a great friend we got a good deal on some hardwood...and it would be installed by the pros. In 2 days! We were relieved and so happy with the result.
The good news: since we had huge installation help, we met our goal of redoing 90% of our flooring in one month.
The bad news: we'll be eating canned beans for all of 2011.}
During: chaos! but lots of fun for our ambitious little hearts :)
After: a new house!
Very happy to make this investment ~ so thankful we were able to.
Thrilled to be done!

"Yyyyyyyyyyeeeessss! We're done!"