Sunday, May 30, 2010

May Flowers

We had our first landscaping adventure a few weeks back...and now have some growth to show for it! Hubby dug up some big shrubs, bless his heart, and we're excited about the overall difference our work made!

Thanks to the wisdom of some green thumbs we know (!), we tried to go with plants compatible with our little yard's conditions. Hoping we can keep these beauties alive and well this summer in our hot and dry North TX climate.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

pretty pretzels

a painting is in the works...coming soon!

so today we focus on

sugary delights.

these pretty pretzels make me smile

made these for my sweet hubby's birthday

you should try!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blinds to Roman Shade

Jenny at littlegreennotebook had a great idea to convert plain-jane miniblinds into a roman shade, taking advantage of the "rigging" that mini-blinds have. Here's my version using Ikea fabric and thermal blackout fabric as backing.

I think my slightly uneven folds have character. It's an organic roman shade.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can veggies be considered comfort food?

Art the form of my sweet grandmother's needlepoint. Veggie needlepoint.

...a little bit yellowed and from another time.

Of course, I love it.

I think I remember these hanging on the walls of their kitchen; the kitchen where I have stood barefoot many times on the cold, white terrazzo, watching as Mar puts together the "Sallie salad" of assorted veggies she knows I like--each type into a section of her compartmentalized glass tray.

Sweet memories.

Crunchy, refreshing veggies.

Now hanging above our stove :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

before & after: painted kitchen cabinets

Here is our kitchen before it was our kitchen.
(wallpaper removal and paint is another story)

My valiant and patient husband and I did nothing but paint (not even work *gasp*) for a week...brushed and eventually sprayed both sides of 17 doors and 15 drawers....and asked each other often, "Whose idea was this?"

Behold, the fruit of our labor of love: clean, white cabinets with hardware! We are so pleased and have enjoyed the light, brightness of our often frequented spot for us.
(there's my partner in crime)

What do you think?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

a long skinny surprise

As I opened up the average pdf of a product guide for some lighting at work today, I got such a kick out of their presentation! A big change from your run-of-the-mill product specs.

I laughed with delight at the image I found (!), being a doxie lover and a fan of cool lighting. What a combo!

They also had this to elaborate on why their line of products is called Naro: nar•o (năr´ō) adj. small or slender in width,
especially compared with length ( linear fluorescent lamp, golf club, fettuccine, kate moss )

Ha! Thanks, Naro, for not being a boring ol' regular pdf product line!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Some Makeup

Well, my little blog has a few changes. Not quite a face lift...more of just a healthy application of some blush and eyeliner :)

This couples' blog is cute and so helpful!

Thanks to the power of the interwebs right at my fingertips, sallie kate is getting a teeny bit cuter.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Everyday Beauty: Lettuce

isn't this the most gorgeous lettuce you've ever seen?

I love it when something as usually mundane as lettuce makes me run and get my camera.

Thanks for sharing your pretty leaves, Mama :)


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