So. We drove 4 hours to Smalltown, Oklahoma. It was a fun adventure with my sweetie.

And we got to meet our favorite
singer/songwriter. And his best friend and fellow
singer/songwriter. And their road manager. And they bought us Starbucks {foofoo} drinks and were gracious enough to sit with us and let us take a peek into their world. Nervously :)

You see, we believe in what these guys do. We know the stories they so thoughtfully put together into song are reflections of the True Story. And more than ever, we have been changed by the truth in them. We are fed by their words and encouraged by their expressions of honest faith. So we decided to be patrons. We scored this deal in return for our support.
Our night ended with a front row spot at AP's Counting Stars album release concert. Ben Shive and Andy Gullahorn (another gifted singer/songwriter and yes, part three of the three amigos) played with AP and featured a couple songs from their solo work. I cant describe how much we enjoyed the almost-three hours of music, complete with descriptions, stories, and jokes between them, that just made the songs even richer. Such a blessing.
We'll also be seeing these guys in Nashville around Christmastime at Behold the Lamb of God, the True Tall Tale of the Coming of Christ. It's tradition.
Follow Andrew and his community of musicians, artists, bookworms, geniuses and the like on
The Rabbit Room. This website has tons of their music in the Store in addition to all the word candy. When you find "authors and artists who are doing Kingdom work by telling the Story" they are worth supporting and following and
gushing about, right? I certainly think so :)