Sunday, July 31, 2011

August Calendar

A new month, a new calendar for your desktop.  Don't be shy :)


inspiring reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity orgrandeur; majestic: an august performance of a religiousdrama.
venerable; eminent: an august personage.

Wishing you an august  August.

Just click on this image to make it bigger, then save it or make it your desktop image from there.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

graphic design: Southern Harmony

A talented friend is part of The Women's Chorus of Dallas. Bam.

They are a non-profit group who serve the community by raising money through their performances. And with an upcoming concert by the Secret Sisters, she was charged with designing a logo for the event...and wanted some creative help. I was recruited.  

Here's her email:
Coming up in September, there will be a concert by the Secret Sisters (from what I understand, they are kind of country bluegrass) and all of the proceeds from the concert will be donated to TWCD.   So I have been tasked with designing a logo for the event. This logo will then be plastered all over the web, posters, mailers and most other media you can think of announcing the concert. 
 SOUTHERN HARMONY, a benefit for the Women's Chorus of Dallas

Um, right up my alley!  A few of us got together, brainstormed on:
Feminine, southern, bluegrass....and with the vintage, cute vibe on the Secret Sisters website....

 Here's what we came up with.


A little song bird on an old-timey Shure 55 Elvis Mic. Lots of fun. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Queen of the Kitchen

There's a new gal in my kitchen.


She's pretty cute.  And loves to do the dishes. 
She has a lot going for her.


My mom got me this cute little brush to scrub dirty dishes. Makes the job much more fun :) 

Bonus:  Reminds me a lot of these gals...

It's a whole lot of fun having little things around your house that make you smile.  
Surround yourself with treasures that you like even if they don't go together--who cares if it's not the way the magazines say you should decorate?

Take it from me, the goof who has hippos and dolled-up dish brushes that help with the washing. 


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sketch: Tractor

Thankful for this little guy and his twin who keep our grass alive. 

They have to work overtime in the summer.

{And the green grass grows all around all around....}

Deep thoughts, today :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July Calendar

Dear one,

from the bottom of my heart to yours, I present to you 

     your very own handy dandy snazzy-jazzy 
desktop calendar for J U L Y.

I had some fun with paint and Sharpie and poof....

parrot feathers, elements of cactus, earth worm, and ever-running sprinklers that wizz around in my head 
[or...maybe just in our yard].

As always, click on this image to make it bigger, then save it or make it your desktop image from there.

Hope you enjoy :) Happy Fourth!


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